
tap tap tap


The psychologists say that we learn more taking notes by hand than we do taking notes on a laptop. Writing by hand allows us to not only store information, but more importantly to internalize the information. I know that when I need to learn something I write it down. Typically I never need to look at that note again as the act of writing itself has imprinted the information somewhere accessible in my brain. So there is some sort of problem solving that occurs between the pen, the hand and the brain.

Same with any other type of journaling, whether with words or pictures or both. Taking pen to paper (or pencil if that’s your thing like it is my friend Jane’s) is a great way to clear cobwebs, to answer questions and to ask the questions, to doodle a new idea with no pressure, and sometimes to just daydream while some other part of your brain is solving a life changing problem. Sketchbooks and notebooks and journals take us places that computers can’t. And it’s not necessarily about being able to draw…it’s about being able to think without thinking.

Notebooks are a place to think without thinking. Click To Tweet

Here are a few places to check out other people’s notebooks and maybe inspire you to get back to your own.

Austin Kleon: This isn’t his actual journal, it’s a journal he created to be his favorite journal. It’s pretty cool…I bought one when I heard him speak a couple of months ago. Click here to see how people use this journal.

Co.Design: Here’s a great story with pictures of the sketchbooks of 16 current designers.

Lynda Barry: Ms Barry is a cartoonist, so her Syllabus is full of drawings. And a whole lot of words.

Brain Pickings: Maria Popova put together a compilation of sketchbooks of all kinds of creators from architects to street artists.

Now I’m off to my own journal….have a great weekend and keep in touch,

napkin sketches

It’s award season, I know. So all the Fabulous’ are entering their super fabulous projects in super fabulous contests and winning great acclaim and more clients. For the rest of us (and the Fabulous’ as well), there is my absolute favorite reachable contest of the year: the napkin sketch contest put on by Architectural Record. Go get a pack of 5×5 white napkins, set one in front of you with a pen and a second adjacent with your cocktail of choice, and sketch baby! All napkins must be submitted by June 30, so now’s the time. Here are a few sketches for inspiration from the 2013 contest. And even you don’t win, you could always make your sketch into a nice little notebook and start practicing for next year.

Happy drawing….


remember paper? check pencil!

photo courtesy

photo courtesy

Remember way back in early 2012 I told you about Paper, that remarkably cool app that made me consider buying an iPad? Yes, well that’s now ancient history…Steve got me an iPad for my birthday that year.  Not only did I immediately get the Paper app (and watch every single episode of Breaking Bad), but a couple of months ago the good people at Fifty Three came out with Pencil, a stylus designed especially for Paper.  I cannot begin to tell you how amazing this tool is.

So now I have the app and I have the tool, and in case you were wondering if I actually drew anything, here you go. Something I drew.  And if you scroll down, you can see some really gorgeous drawings that other people have drawn. Check out ‘made with paper for more amazing drawings.  And no, there’s no pay for play here.  I just REALLY LOVE these toys!  I mean tools.  (I do use them as tools as well, in case you were wondering…this is a great way to begin to conceptualize space and NOT have to throw away all that sketch paper).

Have a great weekend….get out and draw!

ps….I’m considering a drawing a day so that maybe one day I can draw a bubble.  Are you with me?

this one by yours truly

this one by yours truly

paper and pencil

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paper and pencil2

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paper and pencil3

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